Friday, August 12, 2011

Does Drinking Water Help You Lose Weight Fast

Does drinking water help you lose weight and if so how much water should I drink to lose weight? These are two great questions I hope to answer.

So lets start with does water help you lose weight?

Yes, water does help you lose weight. However, there is a lot more to it than just chugging a bunch of water.

Dehydrated: If you are not drinking enough water you could be slightly dehydrated and this can cause you to gain weight. That's because one of the first symptoms of being dehydrated is the feeling of being hungry all the time.

Can drinking water help you lose weight fast? Yes it can if you eat right and drink enough water. When I first joined the military during basic training a lot of the guys were over weight and they had to reduce weight before they could graduate. To do this without a special diet was not as hard as you might think. When we all went to the chow hall and got our food we all had to drink three 8oz glasses of water before we took our first bite of food. This water was also ice cold witch also helped burn calories. This happens because the body burns calories because it has to burn energy to warn the water to body temperature. Now I will say that it was not easy to drink 3 glasses before every meal, plus we had a short time to eat so we had to chug the water and get to eating and leave. I will say this that every guy during basic met their weight requirements even the biggest guys.

I also noticed a few other things during basic training we were not aloud to have snacks in the barracks. I was always a kid that ate late night before going to bed. However, drinking all that water and eating right stopped all those late night cravings.

How much water should I drink to lose weight? Well I don't think you need to drink three 8oz glasses of cold water before every meal. However if you can drink two 8oz glasses before every meal you will notice a big difference as long as you eat right and do not skip meals at all. Drinking water and eating right will help speed up your metabolism and burn the fat off naturally. If you need help eating right then I recommend you check out the diet Solution program.

So will drinking all that water do more for you than just losing weight. Yes you will notice clearer skin, regular bowel movements, and this will reduce the chances of getting hemorrhoids.

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